Hi Aoki-san,
Can I ask a few questions to clarify?
1. What kind of jumping is "logical jumping"? Is it something like forgoing using one logic for another (one that is perhaps better suited for religious purposes)? Since you express it as a kind of jumping I cannot help but imagine abandoning something for something that is higher. And once you make the jump you don't return to the original? Or can you jump back and forth? Reading Slides 19 and 20, the "jump" sounds more like an "apparent gap", the two sides being perhaps fundamentally inconsistent but nevertheless compatible. But then jumping is something you do, while gaps are just there.
2. Could you summarize for me what "match of confrontation products" is? I googled but could not find anything. And is there a strong evidence for holding that there is an "influence" from Nicholas of Cusa or Hegel to Kiyozawa rather than mere "connection" or "similarity"?
3. Seeing "Pure Land Buddhism" and "Jumping" immediately made me think of Kierkegaard, particularly about the idea of existential leap, which is essentially a religious jumping. If you are familiar with Kierkegaard, could you say a few things about your thoughts on this?