Kyoto International Consortium for Asian Studies京都亞洲研究國際聯盟

Chun-Ying WANG 汪純瑩

MEPO Humanity Technology, Inc. / National Chengchi University / Kyoto University

心靈解碼 108-2

Week 12 心靈與人工智慧:習慣化與自動化歷程 - 人的習慣是否是一種程式化? ...

引自:鄭谷苑主編。《科學人博學誌:窺探心智》。台北:遠流出版社,2017。頁24。 (more)
心靈解碼 108-2@GUSTAV | May 14, 2020 | Views: 515

Week 6: 意志力 - 可以鍛鍊心靈肌肉嗎?

Youtube頻道:Better Than Yesterday 影片簡介: Do you like or enjoy my videos? Then consider buying me a coffee: Willpower by Roy Baumeister (animated book summary) - How to Have More Self Control You can get the book here: EU:...... (more)
心靈解碼 108-2@GUSTAV | April 9, 2020 | Views: 652

Week 4: 自由意志。Libet實驗:自由意志是虛妄的嘛?

BBC Radio 4 Are our 'conscious decisions' just reports on what is already happening? Narrated by Harry Shearer. Scripted by Nigel Warburton. From the BBC Radio 4 series - A History of Ideas. This project is made...... (more)
心靈解碼 108-2@GUSTAV | March 26, 2020 | Views: 731

Week 3: 大腦處理音樂的機制 ~ (《窺探心智》: 67)

圖片:大腦處理音樂的機制 ~ (《窺探心智》: 67) [hr] 頻道:東臺傳播 本段說明:藉由三位受測者透過fMRI聆聽紀曉君的三首歌,來了解音樂對大腦的影響. 研究專家: 臺灣大學音樂研究所蔡振家教授 fMRI專業小組:臺灣大學電機系 Hello Brain專屬部落格: [hr] 「我們的腦子裡並沒有專門處理音樂的中樞。音樂涉及許多區域,分佈在整個腦子裡,有些區域通常涉及其他種類的認知活動。...... (more)
心靈解碼 108-2@GUSTAV | March 19, 2020 | Views: 695

Week 2:意識是什麼?

Melanie Boly 'Consciousness: From Practice to Theory-and Back. Bioethics NYU35 subscribersSUBSCRIBEPresented at the Measuring Borderline States of Consciousness conference, hosted by the NYU Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness and the NYU Center...... (more)
心靈解碼 108-2@GUSTAV | January 16, 2020 | Views: 820

Week 1: 你真的清楚你的覺察心嗎?

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心靈解碼 108-2@GUSTAV | January 16, 2020 | Views: 616


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